WCTRS Steering Commitee (STC)
Committee Directorate
- WCTRS President: Tae Hoon OUM (University of British Columbia, Canada)
- Immediate Past WCTRS President: Yoshi HAYASHI (Chubu University, Japan)
- Secretary General: Dan SPERLING (University of California, Davis)
- Co-Secretary General: Giovanni CIRCELLA (University of California, Davis)
- Scientific Committee Chair: Lóránt TAVASSZY (TU Delft, The Netherlands)
- Operating Practices/ Constitution: Ali HUZAYYIN (Cairo University, Egypt)
- Auditor: Antonio MUSSO (University of Rome, Italy)
- Legal Member: Andras WITTMER (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland)
STC members
WCTRS Scientific Committee (SCC)
Committee Directorate
- Scientific Committee Chair: Lóránt TAVASSZY (TU Delft, The Netherlands)
- WCTRS President: Tae Hoon OUM (University of British Columbia, Canada)
- Vice Chair for SIGs: Hideki NAKAMURA (Nagoya University, Japan)
- Vice Chair for Prizes and Awards: Chandra BHAT (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
- Vice Chair for Conferences: Martin TREPANIER (Ecole Polytechnique Montréal, Canada)
- Vice Chair for Publications: Özay ÖZAYDIN (Dogus University Istanbul, Turkey)
- Vice Chair for Publications (Procedia): Fusun ULENGIN (Sabanci University, Turkey)
- Vice Chair for Communications: Maria ATTARD (University of Malta, Malta)
- WCTR-Y Conference Chair: Rosario MACARIO (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
- Editor-in-Chief for Transport Policy: Haijun HUANG (Beijing University, China)
- Editor-in-Chief for Case Studies in Transport Policy: Xiaowen FU (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China)
- WCTR 17 Conference Director: Marc IVALDI (EHESS & TSE, France)
SCC members
Chair: Marc IVALDI, (EHESS & TSE)
Vice-Chair : Frédéric CHERBONNIER, (Sciences Po & TSE)
Advisors to the Conference Directorate
- Dominique BUREAU (Société des Grands Projets)
- Joël ECHEVARRIA (TSE, France)
- Laurent JOLY (ISAE-Supaereo, France)
- Sabine KLAUKE (Airbus, France)
- Patrice PELATA (Academy of Technologies & Meta Strategy Consulting, France)
- Emile QUINET (PSE-ENPC, France)
Conference Program Committee (CPC)
Chantal ROUCOLLE, Chair (ENAC, France)
CPC Members
- Jean-François BONNEFON (TSE, France)
- Nicolas COULOMBEL (PSE- ENPC, France)
- André DE PALMA (Cergy Paris University, France)
- Nicolas GOURDAIN (ISAE-Supaereo, France)
- Nour-Eddin EL FAOUZI (Gustave Eiffel University, France)
- Joël JEZEGOU (ISAE-Supaereo, France)
- Bertrand JOUVE (Jean Jaures University, France)
- Guillaume MONCHAMBERT (Lyon University, France)
- Céline PARZANI (ONERA, France)
- Mohamed-Cherif RAHAL (Vedecom Institute, France)
Communication and Outreach Committee (COC)
Chair: Sylvain BOURJADE, (TBS, France)
COC Members
- Thierry BLAYAC (Montpellier University, France)
- Julie BULTEAU (Paris Saclay University, France)
- Quentin DAVID (Lille University, France)
- Camille Faure (Toulouse Team, France)
- Philippe GAGNEPAIN (PSE, France)
- Claire GISLON (TSE, France)
- Martin KONING (Gustave Eiffel University, France)
- Olivier MAUREL (MC Ledger, France)
- Maïté STEPHAN (Rennes University, France)
- Patrice VASSAL (Toulouse Team, France)
Local Organizing Committee
Stéphanie RISSER, Chair (TSE, France)
LOC Members
- Clémence LONG (Toulouse Team, France)
- Eric MOUREU (Europa Organisation, France)
- Catherine MULLER (TBS, France)
- Christophe PAULIN (Toulouse Capitole University, France)
- Christine VO VAN (TSE, France)