Tae Hoon Oum
President of the WCTR Society
« On behalf of the WCTR Society, I would like to thank TSE and Toulouse for hosting our WCTRS 2026 World Conference. We are excited about holding our 17th triennial World Conference in the beautiful city well known as a major research and innovation hub for transportation and home of Air Bus.
The WCTRS is known as the forum for delivering ideas to solve global, continental, national and local transport and supply chain problems. I would like to invite researchers, policy makers, corporate executives to join us for debating solutions to common problems including environmental and energy crisis, urbanization and mobility needs, infrastructure plan for the de-globalizing economies, solutions for security threats, etc.
For academics, I encourage you to engage with our 30+ Special Interest Groups (SIGs), and for the next generation of transport scholars, WCTRS-Y offers an excellent opportunity to connect and grow.
I look forward to welcoming you at the Toulouse WCTRS World Conference in July 2026 ! »
Lóránt Tavasszy
WCTRS Scientific Committee Chair
« The WCTR has a tradition of almost 50 years of truly global gatherings, and every occasion has proven to give researchers a unique, equitable platform to share their knowledge. Inspired by urgent needs from practice and the latest scientific insights, the conference delivers progress across all areas of transport research, with a program driven by 30 Special Interest Groups. It offers a special program for the young researchers (WCTR-Y) and plenty of publication opportunities for all: through our proceedings, the top-notch WCTR journals and more than a dozen Special Issues. We invite all transport researchers to mark their calendar, submit a contribution and join us early July 2026 in magnificent Toulouse! »
Jean Tirole
TSE Honorary Chairman
« International conferences such as the WCTR provide an excellent platform to advance current topics with significant implications for the future. Researchers and students from TSE, accustomed to academic excellence, will actively contribute to the debates and exchanges during the conference. As a focal point of economic research, TSE will bring a unique and stimulating perspective to discussions on challenges and opportunities in the transport sector. »
Christian Gollier
TSE Executive Director
« At the Toulouse School of Economics, we believe in the power of collaboration and innovation to unlock the complexities of the global economy. Together, as an engaged community, we shape the future of economic research and strive to instill this passion in the next generation of thinkers. Our reputation is built on teamwork, commitment to academic excellence, and a constant willingness to explore new frontiers in the field of social sciences. I would like to thank the President and the Steering Committee of the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS) who, after considering many major cities, have chosen Toulouse to host the 2026 edition of the WCTR. On behalf of the entire TSE community (researchers, staff, doctoral students, students...), it is an honor and we will all be eager to contribute to the success of this unique event. »
Marc Ivaldi
Director of the WCTR, Toulouse 2026
« Holding of the World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR) in Toulouse represents much more than just an international gathering. It is an exceptional opportunity for the Toulouse’s keyplayers in Toulouse to showcase their expertise in organizing, promoting, and hosting events of this scale. The city is preparing to mobilize its resources on several fronts, involving not only the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) as a leading academic hub but also other academic institutions in Toulouse, elsewhere in France, and other local authorities that will play a crucial role in the success of this global event. Beyond logistical aspects, the WCTR in Toulouse represents an opportunity to drive a positive change by bringing together global transport experts. The conference will be fertile ground for innovative discussions and solutions to the challenges facing the transportation world. As the conference director, I thank the WCTRS for this unique opportunity to showcase the influence of Toulouse and French research in the field of transportation. »