A boost for the
future of global transport

17th edition of WCTR

At the initiative of the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS), the World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR) is a global gathering held every three years, uniting specialists from the transportation sector worldwide. Whether they are researchers, engineers, or public and private decision-makers, experts from all corners of the globe converge to engage in discussions on pressing transportation issues.


Topics for discussion at the World Conference on Transport Research are grouped into 9 distinct themes which include maritime and air transport logistics, infrastructure design, traffic management in urban environments or the emergence of transport in developing countries.

Over the course of 6 days, participants will exchange ideas and solutions to foster innovation and push back the limits of knowledge and technology in the transport sector, thus enabling continuous improvement in this sector.

The first WCTR was held in Rotterdam in 1977 as a forum for researchers and policymakers, but it was only a few years later that it took on a more international dimension and on a larger scale. Since then, Rio de Janeiro, London, Shanghai, Mumbai, Sydney and, more recently, Montreal have hosted this world-renowned event.

Some 1,500 transport experts are expected to attend the 17th WCTR from 6 to 10 July 2026. The program includes presentations, conferences, discussions, technical visits, a gala dinner and other surprises. All of this, of course, organised with the aim of sharing knowledge and expertise in the world of transport.


« Holding of the World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR) in Toulouse represents much more than just an international gathering. It is an exceptional opportunity for the Toulouse’s keyplayers in Toulouse to showcase their expertise in organizing, promoting, and hosting events of this scale. The city is preparing to mobilize its resources on several fronts, involving not only the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) as a leading academic hub but also other academic institutions in Toulouse, elsewhere in France, and other local authorities that will play a crucial role in the success of this global event. Beyond logistical aspects, the WCTR in Toulouse represents an opportunity to drive a positive change by bringing together global transport experts. The conference will be fertile ground for innovative discussions and solutions to the challenges facing the transportation world. As the conference director, I thank the WCTRS for this unique opportunity to showcase the influence of Toulouse and French research in the field of transportation. »

Marc Ivaldi

Marc Ivaldi
Director of the World Conference
on Transport Research
Toulouse 2026


The program is structured around contributions and conferences focusing on the following main themes:

Transport modes (air, maritime transport, rail and high-speed rail)
Freight transport and logistics
Traffic management, operation and control
Transport activity and demand
Transport economics and finance
Transport, regional planning and sustainable development
Transport planning and policy
Transport in developing and emerging countries
Infrastructure design and maintenance

Members of the organising committee

  • President of the WCTR society
    Tae Hoon Oum, Professor Emeritus, Transport and Logistics, Saucier School of Business, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
  • Chair of the Scientific Committee
    Lóránt Tavasszy, Professor, Freight Transport and Logistics, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
  • Scientific Committee Vice-chair conference
    Martin Trépanier, Transport Planning and Information Systems, Professor Polytechnique Montréal, Canada
  • Scientific Committee Vice Chair in charge of Special lnterest Groups
    Hideki Nakamura, Professor, Transportation Engineering Science, Nagoya University, Japan
  • Co-Secretary General of WCTR
    Daniel Sperling, Professor, Civil Engineering and Environmental Science, University of California Davis, USA
  • Co-Secretary General of WCTR
    Giovanni Circella, Professor, Mobility, Ghent University, Belgium, and University of California Davis, USA
  • Conference Director
    Marc Ivaldi, Professor, Economies, Toulouse School of Economics, France
  • Chair of Conference Program Committee
    Chantal Roucolle, Professor, Economies, Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile, Toulouse, France
  • Chair of Communications and Impact Committee
    Sylvain Bourjade, Professor, Finance and Economies, TBS Business School, France
  • Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
    Stéphanie Risser, Head of Events & Logistics, Toulouse School of Economics, France

Pratical information

Sunday 5th to Friday 10th of July 2026

Toulouse School of Economics
1, Esplanade de l'Université
31080 Toulouse Cedex 06

Line B | Compans-Caffarelli Station

L1 | Leclerc Station
L14 or Bus 45 | Compans-Caffarelli or Héraclès Stations

Toulouse Blagnac, France


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  • Foster knowledge sharing
  • Promote scientific advancement
  • Stimulate research
  • Shape the future of mobility

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